The Meitu App and BeautyCam rank first in two categories for 8 consecutive years


On December 19, QuestMobile released the "2023 Annual Report on Trends in China's Internet Industry". Meitu, a prominent tech company, celebrated a dual triumph with its products. The Meitu App continued as the top choice for image beautification, securing first place for the eighth consecutive year in terms of user scale. Similarly, BeautyCam maintained its leading position for the eighth consecutive year in the photo and camera category in terms of user scale.

Since QuestMobile began compiling these rankings in 2016, Meitu's products have consistently held the top positions in the two categories.

In 2023, Meitu entered a phase of holistic development for its AI products. As flagship offerings, the Meitu App and BeautyCam have introduced a range of AI functions, consistently delivering innovative services and experiences to users.

The Meitu App's AI Channel leads users to various AI features such as picture-to-picture, text-to-image, graffiti-to-image, coloring sketches, and more.

BeautyCam has provided smart cutout, obstruction removal, background swapping, painting pet, and more features, receiving high praise from users.

Additionally, they made notable progress in international markets. In 2023, they consistently secured the top chart positions in Japan's Google Play and Apple app stores. They also frequently led the rankings on Google Play in South Korea and Thailand.

Driven by its flagship products, Meitu's VIP subscription revenue has seen a robust growth. As of June 30, 2023, the number of VIP members has exceeded 7.2 million, marking a 44% increase year-on-year and setting a new record.

Industry analysts assert that Meitu currently commands a robust position in the imaging sector, strengthened by a well-defined product vision. Fueled by technological innovation, the company has constructed a comprehensive product matrix to address diverse niche demands, consistently expanding its global user base.

The Meitu App and BeautyCam have consistently secured the top position in the image industry, serving as a testament to Meitu's strength. Industry analysts predict Meitu's industry-leading advantage will only grow with the onset of the AI era.
